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Market Favourability
Around 90% of products are introduced to fill a gap in a company’s line rather than to fill a gap in the market place. Around 90% of new products are failures, focusing on ‘outcomes’ rather than ‘solutions’.
InStep’s methodology gathers qualitative market feedback designed to reveal what your current or potential clients are really trying to achieve in using a product or service or how they may be impacted by a market initiative. We help you profit from uncovering the unknown.
InStep offers either Bespoke or Syndicated market research. Bespoke market research is a dedicated and focused project around an existing or new product / service or industry initiative. Syndicated research is a commissioned project by typically 4-5 sponsoring companies. In a syndicated research project we work with all the sponsoring companies to draw up the core topic list and will also include confidential company specific questions.