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About Us
Instep Communications is a specialist research consultancy providing primary market research gathering unique client intelligence, product positioning and 3rd party marketing.
InStep Communications has an in-depth knowledge of the Financial Services industry and National Health Service industry spanning many years of experience.
At the heart of InStep's Strategic Client Research is a qualitative approach to research which provides:
- More flexibility and does not rely on the predefined question.
- Quality analysis and results from smaller sample sizes.
- The ability to understand things as well as just measuring them.
- Deeper and more penetrating insights.
InStep works with firms who are focused upon greater profitability from five dimensions:
- Protecting and growing revenue from existing clients – by retaining them for longer.
- Launching better services – by assessing favorability in new and existing markets.
- Winning new business – by understanding and altering market perceptions.
- Developing and implementing market and sales efficiency - through hands on experience.
- Improved relationship management and sales – by providing skills and behavioral based training.